Every month, we shine a spotlight on one saver, asking them questions about their savings culture and how the product is specifically helping them shape how they spend and save for future responsibilities. Everyone has a different use for Piggybank, and honestly, it’s a delight!
So, here we go. Meet Damilola.
What do you do?
I’m the editor-in-chief of Konbini Nigeria, a global media company and pop culture publication.
When did you start saving with Piggybank?
September 2017. It’s been 6 months!
What are you saving towards?
Being rich enough for Nigeria not to stress me!
What do you spend most of your income on?
Food and transport (Uber and Taxify take too much of my money 😩).
What would you like to stop spending money on?
Transportation: I just need to suck it up and start driving in this mad Lagos.
Where is your dream vacation destination?
This is really tough because I love travelling (especially across Africa) and there are soo many countries to choose from. Right now it’s Morocco but I also want to visit Senegal, Cote D’Ivoire and Kenya. Outside Africa: Brazil, Thailand and Japan.
Within your savings period, have you ever been tempted to withdraw?
Nope. Never. Temptation, what’s that?
How many times have you withdrawn from your savings?
I’ve never withdrawn from my Piggybank savings and I’m hoping I can keep it that way for the next 6 months.
How exactly has Piggybank helped you?
Piggybank has definitely helped give me more structure with my savings.
“I’m saving towards being rich enough for Nigeria not to stress me!”
Has Piggybank actually helped you save?
Prior to Piggybank I was really struggling to have both my spending money and savings in one place/account. Every time I would have let’s say 50k or 100k saved, I’d end up eating into those savings because ‘something came up’. But with Piggybank’s instant debits I was ‘forced’ to stick to my savings plan and once I couldn’t ‘see’ the money in my account, I managed to stay on course and on budget.
What do you find unique or different about the platform?
Piggybank has higher interest rates than other saving services offered by banks. It’s also much easier to set up compared to anything you have to do with any financial organisation here (Nigerian banks do better!). In addition, Piggybank also seems to get how young Nigerians think! They know what issues millennials are facing financially and that shows in the product.
There it is guys. You too can begin to use your Piggybank.ng account to fulfill all your savings needs!
PS: Piggybank.ng will be at Social media Week! Tomorrow, we will be having a panel discuss “Millenials and Money: How the Social Media Generation Interacts with Finance”. We’ll be speaking alongside other creative people on social media.
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Piggybank Team